The Listed Closet Project

Last week I wrote about transitioning my kids to capsule wardrobes (you can still grab a free checklist from that post!)  It would be extremely hypocritical if I claimed all the laundry and organization woes were due to their closets when in reality I am the worst offender.

My closet, dresser and other storage areas are overflowing

Every season I “clean out” but really don’t make any significant progress in simplifying my wardrobe, especially when I always seem to be adding new pieces. I’ve seen challenges like Project 333 or 10 x 10 but frankly I’ve been too lazy to commit. This list below really hits on most of the reasons why I haven’t made any progress.

I won’t detail my thoughts on each point, but after thinking over this I came up with a solution that I’m calling The Listed Closet Project.

Here’s how things will work:

First, I will take inventory of my closet.  Fun, right? I’m not expecting to get this done in one day or one month even. I will choose a segment that is in season and assess which items are excessive and non essential in my wardrobe.

Then, I will list those items on eBay and they will remain IN MY CLOSET. This is different from how I typically handle a clean out.  When you pull out items to list you can become impatient about how long they take to sell and you can’t continue to wear them. Generally when I wear clothes they don’t sustain that much extra wear so even if pieces are worn a time or two while listed it won’t affect the condition.  Of course if something happens I will take the listing down and all items will be laundered before shipping.

What will be listed:

  • Anything that isn’t a staple item that would be needed at the capsule wardrobe level.
  • Things that only fit after I’ve been sick or after I’ve eaten a big meal. 
  • Items that are multiples- I’m really bad about having too many of one item like running shorts or striped shirts.
  • Pieces (especially ones I thrifted) that I never have occasion to wear. I’m looking at you black cocktail dresses. 

What won’t be listed:

  • Staple items that fit well and I wear on a regular basis.
  • Lower end brands- anything from Target, Old Navy, etc. If these aren’t working they will be donated.
  • Sentimental things like my prom dresses, college graduation dress, etc.
  • Hard to find things that would be expensive to replace like cowboy boots or winter coats.

Each month I will do a recap post of what I listed, what sold and what new items were purchased. This month I already sold 2 pieces that I had pulled out of my closet months ago to sell and ended up on the bottom of one of my piles to list.

I’m really hopeful that this project will help me thin out my wardrobe by taking much of the thinking out of it. It will be gradual, not drastic, and will allow me to continually cycle items through my wardrobe!

In addition to the monthly posts I will have Story Highlights on Instagram. You can also check out more capsule wardrobe articles on my Women’s Capsule Wardrobe Pinterest board!



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